ChatGPT — 9 key facts

ChatGPT is OpenAI’s endeavor in optimizing a language model for dialogues. It is interesting to understand some of the key facts of this immensely viral language model which is released in the form of a chatbot. Fact #1 It costs approximately $100,000 each day to run ChatGPT. OpenAI which is funded by Microsoft is spending a […]

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Do we really need a Metaverse?

As the buzz around Metaverse grips the World, we all are excited to enter a new World where experiences will be defined differently. But, how much do we really need the Metaverse? In his dark room with his Quest headset on, Rhean had a distinguishable contented smile on his face. He was logged in Decentraland […]

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The Rise and Rise of Cryptocurrencies

Regardless of the daily upheavels in the crypto market, the entire World has realized the utility of a distributed ledger system and the benefits it has over a traditional centralized system. As for we know, we associate cryptocurrencies with blockchain, the technology which lies underneath majority of the cryptocurrencies in the market. Preface Before we […]

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Google announces LaMDA — What is it?

Background The need and importance of conversational AI had long been identified by companies like Google, whose key products are based around natural language processing. But have you ever tried interacting with Google or your Google home device? Did you found it exactly like interacting with another human? Here is a sample chat a human […]

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Dall-E: Can you draw me a picture?

Open AI had been fundamentally progressing further its research in AI technologies in spite of the challenges it is facing. After the commercialization of GPT-3, everyone was looking for the next step from OpenAI. What is Dall-E? Dall-E is an extended version of GPT-3 training model, which is trained on 12 billion parameters which draws […]

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GPT3 : A peek in the Future!

Years back, movies introduced us to the hi-tech, irresistible future where machines would be doing nearly everything what a human does. This future still seemed too distant as “machines writing intelligent letters” or even “machines understanding human language to carry out technical tasks” was too much to digest for a generation working on writing lines […]

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Enterprise Assistant for PLM (Product Life cycle Management)

Would future enterprises move towards eliminating the complex UI’s that enterprise applications offer? Assistant: “What would you like to do?” PLM Business User: “Approve the Design Change Request DCR-49089 which is pending with me. Add a comment that I have validated the design in CAD system.” Assistant: “DCR-49089 is approved with the comments you mentioned. […]

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